Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Here's a few thoughts I have on pregnancy at the moment (being nearly 10 weeks from my due date:)

Funny questions/statements people make:

Why do people ask the question "Is this your first?" is it because they think you look young therefore this MUST be your first? What does it really matter if you answer "yes" or "no" ? I guess if you answer "yes!" you invite all the horror stories and unwanted advice people feel compelled to give first time moms? That being said, does anyone ever get asked "So is this your 2nd? 3rd? 4th? 10th?" ?

Everyone has a completely DIFFERENT perception of just how "large" you are. On the same day, wearing the same clothes, I have had comments from "You must be ready to pop!" "Are you sure there isn't two in there???!!!" to "You're SOOOOOO tiny!" "Where is that baby bump, I can barely see it!" . . . it seriously cracks me up that people can literally see the EXACT SAME THING in a completely opposite manner!

"So you had a c-section with your first, right?" Ok, first of all I kind of feel like it's not anyone's business how my child exited my body, but people seem to like to talk about it and so I go along with it. Now why everyone assumes I had a c-section I'm not sure? Do I look too "wimpy" or petite to have had a vaginal delivery? Do people know that having a c-section is NOT "wimpy" and that there are MANY reasons and usually having a big baby or being a small woman are NOT the top reasons? Just because I'm petite doesn't mean I automatically get a c-section. I WILL have one if the Dr. deems it medically necessary,  because before c-sections plenty of women and babies died in labor and I'm not a fan of dying. . . so. . . again not sure why anyone even asks this question?

Well I tell people that we're expecting a boy the response is usually "You are SO lucky!" or "Now you guys can be DONE!!!" or "I bet your husband is so happy!" or "Just you wait boys are HORRIBLE!" or "You're going to circumcise him, right?"

Where to even start. . . first of all I'm not sure why everyone is obsessed with having 1 boy and 1 girl or thinks that you should be "done" after you've "gotten" at least one of each gender? If I had all girls, I would be thrilled. If I had all boys, I would be thrilled. I can't imagine "trying" for a certain gender knowing it's completely random and that if I'm specifically WANTING a certain gender that will mean CERTAIN disappointment when I don't get what I want? Why is gender such a big deal anyway? My children are PEOPLE, I don't really care what chromosomes/genitalia they were randomly assigned during conception.

Also if I'm "lucky" to have "one of each" doesn't this mean I would be UNlucky if I had two of the same gender?

Personally I had reasons I was excited to be having a boy but I also had reasons to be excited if baby was going to be a girl- different reasons- but I was equally excited either way.

Next, is my husband expected to be MORE excited that we're having a child the same gender as him than he would be if we had another of MY gender?

Of course many feel differently than I do in regards to gender, but it just seems weird to me that everyone assumes that EVERYONE is the same? Why would we all want the exact same thing? What's "perfect" for me might not be so "perfect" for others?

Oh and don't even get me started on circumcision. It's my sons penis. I don't have a penis. My husband does and he's going to decide what's best for our sons penis and our decision regarding whether or not we're letting him keep his foreskin of thousands of nerve endings or chopping it off is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!! Not everyone wants to circumcise their sons penis and no one certainly wants to hear about how yours got infected as an adult and you had to be circumcised later in life. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Hear. About. It. !!!!!!!!!! I don't care about your penis, your sons penis, or anyone else's penis. Not sure why YOU care about MY sons penis? (Did I use the word penis enough?)

Next: is it a shameful thing to wear clothing that flatters your bump instead of hiding it?

Seeing how depressed I got when I was pregnant with Mercedes, I determined to do everything I could to keep my spirits up this pregnancy. So I've been trying to take care of myself and put a lot of effort into my appearance so that I can feel cute instead of like a huge whale (and I do still feel like a huge whale despite my efforts, so at least I try!)

Yet people make comments that insinuate that pregnancy should be hidden and certainly NOT shown off!

My opinion:

How do you think we all got here? SOMEONE was pregnant with you- me- all of us at SOME point. A woman carried you in her body for 9 months and dealt with all the repercussions of that- why on earth should be shame this? Why on earth should we make women feel like it's something they should HIDE? Why on earth should we make them feel even WORSE about their changing bodies?

We should be amazed and proud of the fact that a woman's body is capable of such a feat, it should be celebrated and a woman should dress in whatever makes her feel good and cute about herself- even if YOU disagree! :-P

Last but not least. . . I don't understand expecting your offspring to be GRATEFUL to you for having them. YES pregnancy is hard, YES is requires a lot of sacrifices, but my kids didn't ask me to have them! And expecting some sort of gratitude from them because "I gave birth to you!" just seems silly to me! Chances are, someday they will know what I went through when they have their own children. Either way, Adam and I chose to have children because we wanted them- not because we had to, not because they asked us to have them. Mercedes is SUCH a joy to us, I am the one who is grateful to have HER and I can't wait to have another child and I can only imagine how much joy he will bring us and how much my gratitude will increase!

So there's my random pregnancy post for the day. :)

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