You see, I was taught to uphold myself to these standards. I needed to avoid sex before marriage, immodest clothing, using the wrong type of Bible, listening to rock music, wearing pants- so on and so forth. I was taught I need the approval of authority for. . . well anything I guess. And as a woman, I would ALWAYS be under authority- the authority of a MAN. God would let me know what he wanted THROUGH my "authorities" (parents/pastors). I needed to submit, submit, submit. (This is a general conglomeration of many things I learned either through the homeschool material I was taught growing up, sermons I heard, conferences I was taken to, and listening to other adult conversations growing up.)
Yes this was mostly a result of the incredibly harmful teachings of Bill Gothard. Read more about his dangerous teachings at recovering grace. Many, many Christians find his teachings quite horrible and would probably blame my extreme fundamentalist background for why I have decided to walk away from religion for the time being. (I'll explain more later on why this isn't the reason, but we'll leave it at that for now).
When it came to "People", to my fellow human beings- I had very unrealistic expectations when it came to my relationships with them. I had unrealistic expectations of their capabilities as human beings.
I also had unrealistic expectations for myself. As a result, I was constantly angry at myself for not being able to achieve these expectations and I was constantly angry at others for not meeting my expectations. It caused a lot of pain, self hatred, and plenty of other negative feelings that were very difficult for me to deal with as a child and teenager.
Although I left the teachings of Bill Gothard and the fundamentalism movement in general after Adam and I were married, I look back and realize that I still expected unrealistic standards from myself and those around me. This created a lot of turmoil between friends, family, and my own marriage.
You see, unmet expectations can be a very nasty thing. If your expectations are way out of whack, you are going to be let down again and again and again. You are going to be hurt again and again and again.
Now, does this mean you need to have uber low expectations in order to not be let down and hurt?
Absolutely not.
But I found after years of slowly adjusting my expectations to something FAR MORE realistic, something actually attainable, I stopped feeling so hurt. I stopped feeling so let down.
Here's a glance at my current expectations:
I understand that I am human and will make mistakes. I believe mistakes are not necessarily a bad thing, I think they are a valuable learning experience I can add to my knowledge of life. I no longer so concerned with "avoiding" mistakes and then regretting them- as I am with learning what I can from each situation and appreciating what can be learned. I have certain personality traits and features and I will allow these to flourish instead of trying to make them fit into a particular "mold". I will never intentionally hurt a fellow human being, and WHEN this happens unintentionally (which is inevitable) I will assess the situation and act accordingly to achieve a resolution if necessary.
I expect my life partner and I to operate as a team. We are equals and achieve results and decisions in our life through discussion, debate, and compromise- NOT submission to one party or the other. I also understand that due to human limitations my life partner is incapable of always treating me the way I want to be treated 100% of the time and will probably make a lot of mistakes. As will I. When this happens, it is NOT the end of the world. We will communicate about the situation and come to a resolution. I will remain more focused on achieving a resolution or solution to any issues instead of focusing on problems and removing them (which is simply not always possible).
I expect that the people around me will live their lives in their own ways. I respect their personal decisions with their relationships, life partners, children, finances, etc, etc, etc. I expect that their beliefs will probably not align entirely with me or even remotely close to mine. I think this is their very personal right and decision and I absolutely have no opinion one way or the other if their beliefs and life practices are "right" or "wrong". I believe humans are meant to be individuals and I celebrate the fact that there will be many differences in what we choose to believe and therefore how we choose to live.
I'd love to say that I'm this perfectly open minded person who just has nothing but overflowing respect for everyone. But let me assure you, it's a work in progress.
I often catch myself caring just a little too much what my fellow human beings are choosing to do with THEIR lives.
And so I ask myself the following questions. . .
- Is he/she causing harm to him/herself?
- If so is this harm legitimate? Am I really qualified to discern if it is harmful?
If no, then I celebrate their individuality and ability to make their own choices. They may not be decisions I would make, but that's PERFECTLY OK. There's NOTHING wrong with that.
This is why I feel that I better identify with humanists. Basically my standard and expectations for humanity is simply "If they aren't causing harm to self/others, I REALLY DON'T HAVE AN OPINION."
This is part of the reason I am SO. MUCH. HAPPIER. I feel so much more free to love and celebrate PEOPLE. To love their individuality. To celebrate that we aren't meant to be EXACTLY THE SAME, nor close to it.
Now, I also realized that as much as I would LOVE for certain people to like me or have a certain level of friendship/relationship with me, or to simply treat me a certain way- it's simply impossible. Not everyone is going to like me. Not everyone is going to get a long with me. AND THAT'S PERFECTLY OK. I don't need them to. It no longer upsets me or causes me any pain, I can am free to simply shrug it off and instead of pining over the situation I can enjoy being around those do like me, enjoy being around me, and want to spend time with me.
As silly and stupid and ridiculous as it was, I used to look at people (particularly fellow christians) and think "But you're SUPPOSED to treat me (a certain way)!!!! You're a CHRISTIAN!" And then I'd get all hurt and upset when they DIDN'T MEET MY EXPECTATIONS.
You see, from a very young age all I saw people do around me was talk about the standards and expectations we should meet as christians. Whether it was in material that was taught to me, a sermon or conference I attended, or just the conversations of those around me: I listened to them say things about others. . .
"I can't believe _____ lets their 12 year old dress that way."
"_____ is pregnant and NOT married. What a poor choice."
"_____ and _____ are getting divorced. Biblically, they shouldn't remarry, they should reconcile if they want God's blessing on their marriage."
"_____ hasn't accepted God's free gift of salvation, so _____ is going to hell."
"____ and ____ were having marriage problems. After attending my conference, they realized their problems were a result of their premarital sex. So they apologized to God for their sin of premarital sex and their marriage problems were solved."
"_____ is living out from under authority, he/she will not receive God's blessing in their life and is opening his/herself to danger by not staying under the protective umbrella of authority."
(^ is the tip of the iceberg. And I wonder why my standards and expectations were so messed up for so many years?)
Those were some examples, by all means "Christians" aren't to blame for this. It's just what people do. It doesn't matter if you consider yourself a christian or not, you probably have lots of opinions about what people should and shouldn't do.
For myself, I found this way of thinking caused a lot of pain and unhappiness and quite frankly- hurt relationships.
So at some point I realized how ridiculous thinking this way was and how much unnecessary pain it caused me. And trust me, I still fail regularly. That's why I started asking myself questions on whether or not the behavior or choice was harmful to humanity and whether or not I was even qualified to discern if it was harmful. If they answer is no, I let it go. Not only do I let it go, I appreciate it as the individuality of humanity. (Or try to, like I said, work in progress).
Now, this doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good ol' debate or sharing my differing opinions and views with others and listening to theirs. It simply means I'm not going to get so UPSET or HURT because someone disagrees with me. I'm also not going to toss god or the bible around like some sort of "proof" that's I'm right and whoever else is wrong (it actually sickens me to think about how I was taught to do this and how I used to do it regularly).
I guess I've learned not to take things so personally. No matter WHAT you believe, this is a good thing!
I've simply found that adjusting a few expectations and my life/world view not only made me happier, but I found it aligning less and less with my former religious beliefs. LET ME CLARIFY that I do NOT think religion = an inability to be loving, respectful, and open minded. I know SEVERAL wonderful people who identify themselves as christians who have also found a way to be HAPPY, not take things so personally, and to respect and love people and not treat them different no matter WHAT they believe.
You see I don't really like dividing people into categories especially those of "Christian" or "Non Christian.". Because guess what? Whether you're a christian or not doesn't determine if you're judgmental or loving/accepting. PEOPLE can have these qualities REGARDLESS of whether they are religious, christian, atheist humanist. . . the list goes on and on.
What I'm simply trying to say is that FOR ME, it helped to adjust my expectations. It helped me be happier and enabled me to really accept and love those around me. Others probably find a different way to do this and it may or may not include religion. Either way- All I know is that I'm happy and feel more love than I ever felt before in my life for my fellow mankind.
Is my way the RIGHT way? Am I so special and enlightened to have "figured all this out" in my own little brain? Are others who choose to live different or similar to how I used to live making the same mistakes/living in the pain I was before I adjusted my thinking/expectations?
NO. Absolutely not!
I am simply writing down what I have discovered about myself and what I have learned to make my life happier and more fulfilling. There is much more learning and growing for me to do as a human being and I do not intend to ever stop learning and growing, which means my views and thought processes are going to evolve and change throughout my life. I may well completely change my world/life view and my expectations over the years- but for now this is what I have found works for me and I am happy where I am at the moment.
I hope I was able to make some sense of what I wrote. It makes sense in my head, I swear, not sure if it makes sense when written out and read! So please. . . bear with me.
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