Today has been one of those days. . . I could really use a soothing hug from my sweetheart, some words of encouragement and just some good ol' therapeutic time doing something FUN together. Going for a walk, out for ice cream, watch a movie. . . it's true when they say you don't appreciate what you have until you don't have it anymore. Those little things I took for granted- I see what a wonderful and positive impact they had on my day to day life. Of course, things are never perfect. But having to live an entire year separated from my husband has definitely given me perspective on just how much I appreciate even the little things!
So anyway, moving on with my "theme" for this blog:
Find yourself a story.
Really, I think it's just being "invested" in a story- like reading a good book series etc. I have ALWAYS loved stories- I've been an avid reader, love watching movies/TV shows, and just hearing peoples stories in general (probably half the reason people like me as a hairstylist- I show interest in their random stories!).
Now a good "story" for me is preferably a long one (good book series, tv series etc). I like a story with good characters, ones you can almost believe truly exist (if they are fictional), who have good chemistry with the other characters- a story that makes you laugh, cry, etc. A story that makes that makes me think "what if?" A historical account of events from the past. A story which maxes out the imagination. . .
Yep, that's what I like. Pretty much any (good) story.
Seasons 1-7 of Desperate Housewives I found especially therapeutic- I laughed hysterically and cried my little eyes out. The little "truths" from Mary Alice and the lessons in each episode were really fun to watch and (at times) quite moving.
Seasons 1-2 of Dollhouse were also quite fun to watch- talk about maxing out the imagination- WOW! I was pretty unhappy with the ending, but it was still an incredible series to watch.
Seasons 1-4 of Brothers and Sisters- watched a majority of this show with my cousin Tony, was really quite a lot of fun. Season 5 proved to be pretty awful so we haven't finished it yet. . . but the first four seasons were really good. I enjoyed that this particular story was featured in southern California- it was very need to see and learn more about the area there- Pasadena, Ojai. . . (although the completely unrealistic frequent (short) trips from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles were a bit. . . well, unrealistic)- Just in general I really enjoyed the scenery of California! And of course, the story was incredibly intriguing.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel. . . I really thought these shows were stupid for the longest time (and I have to agree some parts are a stretch even for MY imagination) but after actually spending some time learning about the story- HOLY COW! It's so good. And I don't even like vampire lore!!!!
There's been a few other shows that I've watched but these were the ones which I really enjoyed the most. Funny because I find myself just a little obsessed with them now (ok, maybe a lot!) but as my cousin Tony pointed out to me recently- I probably won't even remember them once Adam is back! Which is so true. It's ALL about being distracted, and this is one very good way to keep myself distracted from missing my dear, sweet hubby!
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